Kiskunság National Park, Hungary

Kiskunság National Park has quite rich reptile fauna, even endemic species such as the Hungarian Meadow Viper. The following is a short list of species which can be found either in our Garden or nearby areas or other parts of the National Park:
Hungarian Meadow Viper - Vipera ursinii rakosiensis - endemic to Kiskunság, Hungary
This is an unique, local reptile species of the Kiskunság National Park. With prebooked dates it is possible to visit the Viper Rehabilitation Centre where you can learn more about these creatures. Short-toed Eagles are regular visitors as well taking samples out of the population.
Green Lizard - Lacerta viridis is the most attractive and common species in the Kondor EcoLodge Garden
Balkan Wall Lizard - Podarcis tauricus - generally rare but locally common
Sand Lizard - Lacerta agilis is a common species both in the Kondor EcoLodge Garden and in the surrounding area
Grass Snake - Natrix natrix We always have a few at our Garden Pond.
Smooth Snake - Coronella austriaca A rare, beautiful species, locally called Copper Snake
Aesculapian Snake - formerly Elaphe longissima; now Zamenis longissimus; the longest snake in the surrounding forests
Pond Terrapin/European pond turtle - Emys orbicularis Regularly seen at ponds and channels.