Kiskunság National Park, Hungary
Other Invertebrates

Well, this should be the longest list if anyone would concentrate on observing species which do not belong to the other listed groups. Species here obviously belong to various taxa. This is just a short list to give an idea.
Ladybird Spider - Eresus kollari
you have a very limited time-window to watch the beautiful male before it is eaten by the female
Wolf Spider - Lycosa singoriensis
this is an amazing large spider, looks like a tarantula
Roman snail - Helix pomatia
after rainy days they are everywhere, you have to be careful where to step!
Cockchafer - Melolontha melolontha
certain years it is very common almost everywhere during May
Pollen chafer - Oxythyrea funesta it is like wearing a hairy, furry coat
Rose chafer - Cetonia aurata it is the most common chafer in the area
Firebug - Pyrrhacoris apertus
during evening it isf ascinating to see the morse signs emitted by them
Lesser Stag Beetle - Dorcus paralellepipedus
it is a very common local beetle in the lowlands of Kiskunság
Forest caterpillar Hunter Calosoma sycophanta
rare and beautiful ground beetle belonging to Carabidae family