Kiskunság National Park, Hungary

For several years we have not used professional moth traps, because in our area there is very limited light pollution, so generally it was enough to use outside special lightbulbs and the white walls of any of our buildings. We had amazing variety of species even with this method.
Nowadays we use a professional Robinson moth trap to catch & observe moth species in our garden. Actually the very first time we run the moth trap we caught 6 different Hawk Moth species plus many other interesting moth species, lot of them extreme rarities in UK or do not even occur, so many of them do not even have an English name such as our local endemic species.
Many thanks especially for Colin Williams who brought over from UK the Robinson Moth trap and helped us to learn not just how to use it successfully, but also to try to ID the the various moth species during the first evening sessions.
Below you can find a galery with some selected species and a short list of species we have trapped during end of May, beginning of June. But each month, well, actually quite regularly every week has its own special list, so from April till October there are always a lot to look for.
1 | Small Elephant Haewkmoth | Deilephila porcellus |
2 | Orange Moth | Angerona prunaria |
3 | Clouded Border | Lomaspilis marginata |
4 | Bordered White | Bupalus piniaria |
5 | Setaceous Hebrew Character | Xestia c-nigrum |
6 | Pine Hawkmoth | Hyloicus pinastri |
7 | Orange Footman | Eilema caniola |
8 | Riband Wave | Idaea aversata |
9 | Large Yellow Underwing | Noctua comes |
10 | Double Line | Mythimna turca |
11 | Delicate | Mythimna vitellina |
12 | The Flame | Axylia putris |
13 | Willow Beauty | Peribatodes rhomboidana |
14 | Heart And Dart | Agrotis exclamationis |
15 | Pale Prominent | Notodonta ziczac |
16 | Treble Lines | |
17 | Mottled Rustic | |
18 | Common Wainscot | |
19 | Pale-shouldered Brocade | Lacanobia thalassina |
20 | (species of grass moth) | Catoptria falsella |
21 | (species of puss moth) | Zeuzera pyrina |
22 | Cream-spot Tiger | Arctia villica britannica |
23 | Poplar Hawkmoth | Laothoe populi |
24 | Buff Arches | |
25 | Straw Dot | |
26 | Portland Ribbon Wave | |
27 | Lilac Beauty | |
28 | Swallow Prominent | Pheosia tremula |
29 | Marbled Minor | |
30 | Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | Noctua janthe |
31 | Large Dark Prominent | Notodonta torva |
32 | Rustic | |
33 | Buff-tip | |
34 | Green Oak Tortrix | |
35 | Spotted Sulphur | |
36 | Bedstraw Hawkmoth | |
37 | Poplar Kitten | |
38 | Chocolate-tip | |
39 | Barred Red | |
40 | White-point | |
41 | Lychis | |
42 | Sprawler spp. | |
43 | Eyed Hawkmoth | |
44 | Birdswing | |
45 | Gold Triangle | |
46 | Bright-line Brown-eye | |
47 | Ethmia bipunctella | |
48 | Beautiful Hook-tip | |
49 | European Corn Bearer | |
50 | Silver Barred | |
51 | Tawny-barred Angle | |
52 | Dioryctria simplicella | |
53 | Poplar Grey | |
54 | Least Carpet | |
55 | Spurge Hawkmoth | |
56 | Golden Twin-spot | |
57 | Mottled Beauty | |
58 | Tissue or Scarce Tissue | |
59 | Sharp-angled Peacock | |
60 | Oblique Striped | |
61 | Mullein Wave | |
62 | Meal Moth | Pyralis farinalis |
63 | Goat Moth | |
64 | Mullein | |
65 | Dark or Grey Dagger | |
66 | Pebble Prominent | |
67 | Muslin Moth | |
68 | Three-lumped Prominent | |
69 | Silver-Y | |
70 | Turnip Moth | |
71 | Shark spp | |
72 | Figure of Eighty | |
73 | Lobster | |
74 | Burnished Brass | |
75 | Flame Shoulder | |
76 | Orache Moth | |
77 | Sub-angled Wave | |
78 | Geometrician | |
79 | Common Emeald | |
80 | Pine-tree Lappet | |
81 | Fan-foot | |
82 | Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing | |
83 | Yellow-tail | |
84 | Four-spotted Footman | |
85 | Barred Straw |